
Viscosity is the
resistance of fluid to
eventual deformation by
shear or tensile stress.
Viscosity is due to
friction of opposing
parcels of fluid at
varied velocities.
Pressure is needed to
overcome the friction between
the layers and keep the
fluid moving.
Viscosity depends on
the size, shape, and
attraction between
particles. For example,
honey has a higher
viscosity than water.
A fluid with no
resistance to stress is
known as ideal or
inviscid fluid. This
explains so much about
my life. Am I honey or
am I inviscid?

Appeared in Pyrokinection, September 14, 2013


At work he says to me, "How are you?
The last time we saw you, you ran out on
dinner. We all wondered where you went,
so we held your mom hostage." He jokes,
all smiling up a storm like I'd have an
explanation for him like I forgot my oven
was on or left my wallet at home. But
I know I've seen him since that night
at a work meeting somewhere. That was
almost exactly five months ago and
I don't bring those memories to work
with me. I don't put the train-wreck
feeling on the player at school while
I got my authoritative hands on my hips.
So I change the subject. He doesn't
know what an ass he's being. Sometimes
they just don't know.

Appeared in Eunonia Review, November 2013

Pack Animals

Groups of teenage
boys laughing
like hyenas
still make me
grit my teeth and
tighten my grip
as the twelve
year old me
crosses her arms
across her chest,
pushes her eyes
down like a
criminal when
my only crime
was passing them
on the sidewalk.
Boys in packs
are hunters, not
friends and a twelve
year old girl can't
fight back, so she
learns to walk fast
and smile like an
apology but not
like an offering.

Appeared in Atticus Review, July 2013 

Song Writer

It so often
starts with music
plucking my heart
strings like a harp

that emotional swell
up like a tide like a
current I can't fight
or don't want to

I just lay back
and surrender, float
along the story sung
by the conductor of my

waiting breath, because
it sinks so much deeper
from the top of my throat
through my inner workings

to my lower central
nervous system, down
to the extent of my toes
and back up my thighs

sound is a gift and song-
sung by voice or guitar
violin or piano keys
I devour it all like a greedy

beast, licking its plate
I have never been
satisfied once, so I
became a poet to sing

in the voice God
gave to all poets, song-
writers without notes
without melody, yes

rhythm still, but music
words-not voice-still
breathe on the page and
inhale deep before the next

line. I am singing.

Appeared in Cadence Collective, August 2013


I don't have it
it didn't come today
all my thoughts
are disconnected
how loud my cat is purring
I didn't sleep well
I had a crappy day
I miss all my friends
for a hundred different reasons
how unclear my future is
how teaching can be exhausting
I have too much love inside
but I won't give it easy
there are too many tightropes
of going too far
of not going far enough
how I know what I need to do
but can't for the life of me
be the one who does it
I'm always questioning
my honesty
when I should fight
when I should let it all go
I can't stop biting my nails
I can't find a home  
in someone else's heart
we are all compartmentalized
like a bento box
all on the same plate
but always on separate sides
I pulled all my anchors
or cut them or dragged them
either way I'm drifting
even though I own my house
and I have a steady job
I'm so damn independent
I want some more dependence
or a place to rest my head
and hear a heartbeat
that knows what I know
that will anchor me
and I can be home
Appeared in The Mind[less] Muse, September 16, 2013

Unknown Employee

I saw a girl at Target, she was
me at twenty-one years old.
She had my blond hair and
simple black-lined eyes,

a red vest and black band   
shirt from Joy Division's
Unknown Pleasures.
Iconic jagged white

mountain lines I once
plastered to my purse.
The image is a badge, I know
immediately, she is cool
in the way I was cool
working at Target at twenty-one.
I want to tell her we got
bigger plans, even if you can't

see it now, and that boy,
who torments your soul,
is just passing by. I want
to tell her we end up alright,

and all that confusion might
not get clear, but it settles.
And all that sadness, the
endless sadness fades away,
but I give her a slight grin
and muster, "I like your shirt."
I don't know how else to say it,
so I pay and leave for home.

Appeared in East Jasmine Review, Vol. 1 Issue 2

Night Birds

At night, late past
twelve, I hear them.
Loud chirping birds
clear like night sounds
unmuddied by day
droning. They are
unapologetic. Sharp-
shouting, "I am heard!"
No contest for their
platform, no shove-
pushing, first-in-line
claim-staking. They
are joyous bastards.


Appeared in Eunonia Review, November 2013