The Gesture

I remember your gesture
small tin thing
exquisite design delicate inside
full of camel dollars
There it sits still small
two years past Christmas
how's my bracelet?
& that silly snow shaker
more air than flakes
not much to spin
How do I apologize?
My case remains open
you are still in my head
more voice than face
phone romance-please,
Eric-I want to be friends
I open the lid careful-slow
I can still smell your nicotine
It touched me
the quiet snap-close
cold and pink against
my finger tips
How do I explain the love I have?
You thought I withheld-withdrew
denied- I didn't- just disguised
distance in miles
distance in years
we are dimensions apart
but in my heart
you are there
with your proper English
and Southern eloquence
the way you inhale
and spread your lips across you teeth
Did I use you?
and I would all the more
Don't call me a loss
or include me in the empty spaces
call me sweetheart
talk to me dirty
I am sorry if I offended
my intentions are simple
no pretentious bull shit
just one rare thing
unhollow low sugar words of honesty
this gesture in my heart
