doctors to assess the situation. I didn't have to be the one to
sign papers for the insurance company, for permission to treat,
for release of legal responsibility. I didn't have to field the
calls, protect him from his mother, sit next to him for hours
under the cold florescent lights of anger. I did not bare the
weight of pen on paper to surrender my flesh and blood to the
intervention of complete strangers. I am not the parent
deciding always how much to force him to wake up early, get
up out of bed, and live his life. Or how much to let him sleep,
let him fail classes, let him learn from his own mistakes like a
boy on the verge of adulthood. I didn't watch the labor of
sixteen years calling out from rooftops for men in uniforms to
pull him down, dress his wounds, search for more weapons.
This is stunning. I love the visceral, naked honesty of your work. You truly elevate pain to ART. Wow!!!!!! (Says the lit professor!!!) You should submit it to Cease, Cows?