David & Jamie

Missing my boys-
David and Jamie.
A loyalty come by surprise.
Hoping to impress-
take them out late
very late
at night.
Blue moon
...light on the water,
strut them like a prize.
How could I resist
a crush-
Passionate boy full
to the top
wild life, a man of means,
too serious-too young(I still won't tell)
he surrounds himself with photographs
my face on his guitar
how could I love you more?
My boys-rent-a-date
the fatal combination
we share life and cigarettes
debate the rumors
of a Denny's daymenu.
Again I fell
infatuated with
animated boy-could charm the fire's of hell
with his gentle eyes
and smile larger than life itself.
Fearless boy would climb a mountain
just to get a laugh
such innocence and depth
I know lies behind his wall
of smart-ass remarks. (Thank you for being faithful,
even if you forgot.)
My boys, you took me in
with your open arms.
I didn't know.
I thought I was the one always knocking
two blocks down-waiting
hoping you'd come out.
Let's go for a drive-
Seattle, Washington state.
We'll turn the radio up
roll the windows down-
the world is at our feet.
The night is always young,
my favorite boys,
and so are we.


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