
Blank are your eyes
Blank is your stare
Blank is your heart
Nothing to care
Nothing at all
No feelings or emotions
The hopes for you
Are at the bottom of the ocean
Goodbye, Hello
Lost and found
Heartless motions
Breathless sound



I've felt your fire
Your hatred desire
I've touched your flame
That knows no shame
Your dragon like hiss
Your spider like kiss
Your blank dark stare
Without a single care
You left me to burn
Hard lesson to learn



Your eyes are a window
So that I can see
Your deepest emotion
Your thoughts about me
They tell me when you hurt
They tell me when you cry
They scream out in happiness
And they scream out why
Your eyes say you love me
Your eyes say you care
Your eyes say forgive me
Your eyes say I'm there
Eyes cannot lie
But eyes can be true
Open your window
And see that I love you


Just let the music
Flow through your mind
Beginning to care less and less
About what they say
Turn off the light
Turn on your imagination
Shut out the screams
Run into the night
Their laughter fades
As you get deeper
The crying stops
As you lesson the pain
Picture your victory
Picture their defeat
Bring on the black blanket
To cover your thoughts
Kill the whisper
That maddening within
Your deep dark secret
No longer to fear
Just let the music
Flow through your soul
Take over what's left
Leaving nothing but joy



I don’t know how to feel anymore
I don’t know what to feel
I don’t know if I should care
All that is going on inside
But just pushing it all away
It builds up like a sickness
Tearing me apart
Taking it all in
Showing no hurt or pain
Holding it all back
So strong, so long a wait
Silent scream lost
Lost in what
No remembrance of how it feels
To be safe or secure
Reputation of a solid mind
So torn and ripped to shreds
Showing no feelings
But it all keeps inside
I shake and I tremble
Holding on to my pride
Soon it means nothing
When emotions take control
Losing all consciousness
Awareness or truth
All the things I stood for
Lost in a scream
